This tool can be used in two ways.

1. To evaluate different ag. limestone sources based on their total neutralizing value (TNV) as calcium carbonate equivalence (CCE) and effective neutralizing value (ENV) due to fineness of the lime.
2. To calculate the tons of as labelled limestone/acre needed to achieve the recommended 100% ENV lime/acre

Enter name and values associated with the limestone sources in the blue boxes or the names of the fields and their soil test recommended ENV lime/acre.
Use equivalent lime costs, either delivered only or delivered and spread.
The TNV or CCE values and the portion of the lime passing specified screen mesh sizes can be found on the label of the limestone purchased.
Add the magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) content of the limestone from the limestone label.
The limestone label is available to the purchaser as required by WVDA.
The lime recommendation is as reported by the WVU soil testing laboratory as tons of ENV limestone.

Ag Limestone Spreadsheet

Limestone Source Cost Comparison
Name of Limestone Brand
Cost/ton lime $ $ $
TNV in CCE (from lime label) % % %
Limestone magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) percent (from lime label) % % %
Lime Requirement tons/acre ENV lime
(from WVU soil test)
Tons of lime needed based on CCE
Cost/acre based on CCE
Screen mesh: % Passing Screen Mesh (from label)
60 % % %
20 % % %
Lime effectiveness based on fineness Adjustment for sieve size classes
>60 100%
20-60 50%
Total lime effectiveness
ENV % % %
Tons of lime product needed based on ENV
Elemental Mg applied lbs./acre
Cost/acre based on ENV

If you have questions, contact your County Agent whose contact information is listed on your soil test report.